MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent Review 2025

 4.9/5 (9)

Hi, I am Scott Paul, a leading exterior brick sealing restoration contractor and business owner with over 30 years of experience in exterior concrete coatings. For info about who I am, please read my full bio here.

MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent Review

Restore-A-Garage Epoxy RatingBased on performance and price, the MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent is one of our top sealers for waterproofing concrete. If you have any questions or have used the MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent product, please ask me in our Q&A area below. I am here to help!

MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent

MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent

MasonrySaver® (Also known as “Defy”) All-Purpose Heavy Duty Water Repellent is a modified siloxane-based product designed to penetrate most masonry and concrete pores deeply. Unlike acrylics, silicones, and other waterproofing sealers that remain on the surface and trap water vapors, this masonry waterproofing product allows deep penetration of its active ingredient of up to 1/4 inch or more. This proprietary blend of silanes and siloxanes creates a “SaltShield™” barrier on concrete surfaces for more excellent resistance to the deteriorating effects of road salts and de-icing chemicals. This 100% breathable concrete waterproofing product is an excellent choice for horizontal and vertical above-grade surfaces.

Concrete Sealer Ingredients: Blend of Silanes and Siloxanes

Concrete Sealer Type: Invisible Water Repellent. It does not change the appearance.

My MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent Scores (1-10)

Ease of Application: 10

Using a plastic pump sprayer, I applied the MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent to a 1000 sq. foot driveway. The sealer goes on milky white and dries clear in about 20 minutes. It took less than 30 minutes to seal the entire driveway.

Water Repellency: 8

I waited a day after the application and then did a water test. The water did bead up well and did not penetrate into the concrete.

Cost per foot: 8 (see note)

The MasonrySaver Heavy Duty is reasonably priced at $249.99 per 5-gallon pail. We used 10 gallons of the sealer for our 1000 sq. foot driveway. This came out to $.14 per foot.

Note: Mistake on Calculation. I used 7 gallons for a cost of $.35 per foot.

Durability/Spalling After 2 Years: 9

After two years, the MasonrySaver Heavy Duty sealer performed well on the beading water test. The concrete did not pit or spall.

Warranty: 8

MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent comes with a 7-year warranty that states: “All-Purpose Heavy-Duty Water Repellent will exhibit a water repellent effect for seven years from the date of application if applied according to label instructions and if minimum application requirements are met.”

Overall Score MasonrySaver Heavy Duty Water Repellent: 8.7

I really like this sealer. It is easy to apply, has a durable warranty, and beads water well. The cost is also more than fair.

It is the top choice for sealing and waterproofing any existing concrete brick surfaces.

Product Information:

Where To Buy Online: MasonrySaver (Defy) Heavy Duty Water Repellent
Types of Substrates: Concrete, Brick, Masonry, Natural Stone
Coats Required: 1 coat
Coverage Per Gallon: 75-150 sq. ft
Application Tools: Roller, Sprayer
Dry Time: 1-2 Hours
Cleanup: Soap and Water
VOC Compliant: Compliant in all States
Manufacturer: Saver Systems

My Test Stats:

Surface Type: Concrete Driveway
Exposure: Heavy Traffic, Snow, Salts, Rain
How Many Years Tested: 2 Years

*All products tested and results are from my experience. I offer no guarantee of similar results. Results may differ due to different surface types, exposure to UV radiation, and traffic.

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Scott Paul ~ Restoring Concrete Since 1993 Owner
As an article and comment contributor to the site, Scott has been around the pressure washing industry since attending college. In 1993, he started his first company called Oakland Pressure Wash, specializing in exterior pressure washing and concrete/brick paver sealing. That company evolved into OPW L.L.C. shortly thereafter, concentrating more on exterior wood and concrete/paver restoration. Scott and his Pressure Cleaning Michigan company have restored over 10,000 projects in the Metro Detroit area since the early years. He has become an authority in the concrete and brick pavers restoration industry and has contributed to numerous forums and informative sites. All the products he suggests through this site are sold online and in retail stores, allowing consumers to choose their means of purchase. Scott’s eCommerce sites sell many of the top brands he endorses, and if you appreciate any of the help he has offered, feel free to purchase from one of them.

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Deborah Flatt
Deborah Flatt
4 months ago

How long before you can drive on it after you seal with masonry saver heavy duty water repellent?

1 year ago

Do you know how many times stored, unused, MASONRYSAVER HEAVY DUTY WATER REPELLENT can be frozen and, still be usable?

1 year ago

We have a large, elevated concrete decorative deck. 2 coats of an acrylic copolymer sealer was applied last year, however the deck continues to leak. What would you recommend for the best waterproofing gloss sealer to be applied a this point?

1 year ago

We’re looking to seal an indoor cement floor for an art studio. We used an industrial cement grinder, then applied two coats of decorative cement stain. We’re looking for a roll-on sealer with high gloss that richens the color. We’re not pros. What do you suggest?

1 year ago

Can we use a top coat without a previous coating, or is this to use over epoxy? Epoxy would be great, but I’ve heard horror stories about applying it as a non-pro.

1 year ago

Do you suggest a cleaner/ detergent for cleaning concrete with / prior to power wash ?

1 year ago

15 year old concrete driveway and interlocking concrete brick retaining wall will be power washed and sealed . Which product? How long after washing can they be sealed ?

2 years ago

Would this work for 100 yea old brick and mortar?

2 years ago

Is it ok to apply a second coat of Masonry Saver heavy duty water repellent one day after first coat?

2 years ago


Charles (Rick) E Metzger
Charles (Rick) E Metzger
2 years ago

Yesterday, I sealed the concrete in my new 30′ X 40′ garage using Masonry Saver Heavy Duty water repellent. I waited the recommended 30 days after the concrete was poured before doing so to allow for time to cure. My question is, is it OK to give it a second coat?
I purchased 10 gallons but only used 5 gallons. Would like to use up the remaining by giving it a second coat, but did not know if this is wise or recommended.

2 years ago

will the sealer work on the brick mortar also?

2 years ago

I have a mixed stone retaining wall…what product would you recommend as a water sealant?

2 years ago

Hi I need a product that will work on brick that’s been painted. Any suggestions?

2 years ago

What other waterproofing options are there? Perhaps a liquid rubber or something? I probably need to rebuild my wall but need a temporary solution for waterproofing even if it’s ugly.

2 years ago

Want to do the new garage floor once it’s poured. Can deep penetrating sealer be followed up with epoxy coat? Plan to color the existing floor later and want them to look the same.

3 years ago

I have a brick veneer home and am adding on to it with brick veneer coming off a outside wall 90* two questions. I would like to leave the current outside wall as an interior wall in the new room, so I want to seal this wall. Also, i would like to seal the remaining outside wall so that we have no moisture migrating into the new room. will using this sealer work both places? Also, what prep do i need to do to the existing brick before applying sealer, just spray with bleach and wash off?

3 years ago

Can this product be applied with a roller? And if so, are there any specific instructions to do so?

Thank you!

3 years ago

Our home is almost six yeasts old. We now know how so many sacks of concrete was returned when brick layers finished.
The mortar has very little concrete mixed in which is resulting in water leakage.
Can you please help us in which product to use. To fill in cracks waterproof

Thank you for your time and help

3 years ago

I d like to limewash my kitchen splashback, including behind my cooktop. Would MasonrySaver heavy duty be the right product? I want to be able to wash the wall as often as need be. Also, I don’t want the colour of the limewash to change when I add a sealer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Susie

try Simple Green or Lime Away. They sell at Home Depot or Lowes or grocery stores.

3 years ago

Can you stain the exterior concrete patio first, then use this sealer on top?

3 years ago

I live in Minnesota and my two stall garage floor is in horrific shape. It is 400 sqf and I am going to try to grind it back to life. Will 3 gallons (Defy) be enough for fresh concrete, or should I just go for 5, and can I just reapply any extra at a later date? Thank you for your time.

Jonathan Muniz
Jonathan Muniz
4 years ago

How many coats?

4 years ago

Which sealer do you recommend for outdoor/patio new travertine pavers?. Looking to keep original travertine color, hence not wet neither dark, thanks

Maxine Laugle
Maxine Laugle
5 years ago

Does the temperature need to be above a certain number to use this product. Just poured a new floor for a detached garage and it’s Winter right now. Our temps have ranged from 30s-60s lately. Average could go down in the 20s at night and only 30s in the day.

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