2024 for Super Diamond Clear Sealer
As of 2025, I have found that the Super Diamond Clear Sealer has shown decent results on Stamped Concrete, Brick Pavers, and other Decorative Concrete Surfaces but does have a tendency to turn white from UV rays. If you have questions about the Super Diamond Clear Sealer product, please ask in our Q&A area below. We are here to help!
SUPER DIAMOND CLEAR is a solvent-based curing and sealing compound specially designed to cure new concrete, assuring proper cement hydration and strength gain while providing a non-yellowing seal to protect and enhance the appearance of concrete.
My Super Diamond Clear Sealer Scores (1-10)
Wet Look: 9
– We were very impressed with the Super Diamond Clear darkening/enhancing the stamped concrete patio. The overall look and colors were enhanced well.
Gloss Level: 8
– Super Diamond Clear contains 25% solids, according to the manufacturer. This sealer left a nice semi-gloss shine on the stamped concrete patio. We did notice that the Diamond Clear looked stunning when dried.
Joint Sand Hardening: n/a
– It does not apply as we used the Diamond Clear on a Stamped Concrete Patio that contained no jointing sand.
Fading/wearing After 2 Years: 7
– The Diamond Clear did pretty well with fading after two years and was on par with other solvent-based sealers containing similar amounts of acrylic. There was no visible wearing or peeling.
White Haze/Yellowing: 6
– We were not impressed with the Diamond Clear regarding the dreaded white haze. It did not turn white completely, but it left a light white look on the sealer and patio.
My Overall Score Super Diamond Clear at 2-Year Period: 7.5
The Super Diamond Clear did well, except for the white hazing. We were very impressed with the appearance after application, and it seemed to hold up reasonably well through the years.
It’s not a lousy sealer, but it’s not the best.
Product Information:
Sealer Type: Semi-Gloss Solvent-Based Acrylic
Types of Substrates: Pavers, Stamped Concrete, Exposed Aggregate, Decorative Concrete
Coats Required: 1 coat or two thin coats for a higher gloss.
Coverage Per Gallon: 100-125 sq. ft
Application Tools: Roller, Metal Sprayer
Dry Time: 4-12 Hours
Cleanup: Xylene or Lacquer Thinner
VOC Compliant: Not compliant in all States
Manufacturer: Euclid Chemical
My Test Stats:
Surface Type: Stamped Concrete Patio
UV Exposure: Full Sun
How Many Years Tested: 2 Years
*All products tested and results are from my experience. I offer no guarantee of similar results. Results may differ due to different surface types, exposure to UV radiation, and traffic.
So what’s better than super diamond clear…on broom finished concrete that is about 2 years old and unsealed? Looking to seal a back patio.
Super Seal 30.
Thanks! So next question is…do you recommend sealing a broomed concrete patio. It is primarily shaded, is wet at times and gets lots of snow.
You can seal them but most do not use a glossy sealer on this surface type but a penetrating water repellent like this, as long as it does not have a prior coating:
Can I use on just a regular concrete driveway
No. Wet look and gloss sealers are not designed for plain white conrete. It will dry very blotchy.
What is the best cleaner to use on my patio with Super Diamond Clear 350 sealer. I just put it on a week ago but would like to keep it clean.
Just pressure wash as needed.
Will this work totop coat chatahoochee?
No, it will not.
My contractor but Super Clear Diamond sealer on the concrete in my house. (New build). I have in floor heat piping. What do I use to prep the surface so that I can tile over it. Worried if the thinset mortor will adhere correctly
You will most likley have to remove the Diamond Cleaner first and that may require grinding it off or shot blasting.
Does Super Diamond Clear get slippery when it rains or when it’s wet?
Depends on the surface type and how many coats are applied.
Just a normal pre-cast porch step..
You can’t use a wet look/gloss sealer on regular concrete. It will be very blotchy.
It’s a precast and light gray so I’m not concerned about blotchiness. I read that product can be cloudy or white on stamped concrete. My question is if it will be slippery when it rains
Probably. It is not suggested for your surface type.
I’m trying to find the closest place to me that sells ur product. I live in Minford, Ohio 45653.
No idea.
What could be some of the reasons for my curing issues? It’s dry in the morning but gets sticky when temperatures go above 80. is there a chance that it will fully cure?
Over application.
It is better today was dry until temp hit 80 then slightly sticky. What would of cause curing issues?
Over applciation.
My super Diamond clear was applied as per instructions. Sprayed and back rolled using proper amount 2 coats. It seamed to dry normally. I had to wait 2 days to apply 2nd coat due to showers. Both coats were applied with temps high 60s and dry. But heat wave hit mid 90s and pool deck extremely sticky! Early morning not as much but still somewhat sticky. What’s going on? What can I do to solve this issue?
You are having curing issues. Hopefully, it eventually cures but if it does not, then you will have to strip it and remove it.
What product do I use to reseal my exposed aggregate concrete? It’s 3 years old and want to refresh it. It’s not as dark as it was before. Thank you.
Super Seal 30 with the brown tint. Tips here: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/exposed-aggregate-sealers/
I have white blotch spots on my multi-color (Increte) stamped concrete patio after sealing with diamond clear. Additionally, due due high UV I need to seal the patio yearly. Are these spots old sealer build-up,or issues where the release agent has unadhered from the concrete? Aside from soda blasting what is the best method to remove the old sealer and fully strip? Lastly, the patio looks great when it rains, what sealer can I use to mirror a wet look, and should that sealer be water based?
See here on stripping this: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/how-to-strip-a-stamped-concrete-sealer/
Once removed, try Supreme Shield SB-600: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/supreme-shield-sb-600-wet-look-review/
When should you use this product on new concrete
What type of concrete surface? It will not work on plained poured concrete.
can I re emusify super diamond clear with xylene like other products say? I am in the first 24 hours after application.. I have some streaky bubbles .
I currently have Eulid’s Super Diamond Clear on my stamped concrete patio. When the concrete was originally poured a color additive (adobe brown) was used. Removal and recoating is needed but I’m concerned the removal chemical will discolor the brown tint in the concrete. Suggested removal chemicals are Euclid Solvent, Xylene, Xylol and MEK. Do you have a recommendation of which to use or is there a suggestion of another removal chemical you have experience. I’m concerned about discoloring the tinted concrete. Attached is a photo. There is not much left of the sealer. Primarily where chairs normally located. Attached… Read more »
These are not strippers and will not remove it: Euclid Solvent, Xylene, Xylol.
MEK is no longer available for consumers. You have to strip it. See here for tips: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/how-to-strip-a-stamped-concrete-sealer/
There is not a way to prevent any potential discoloration or removal of the color additive. It may or may not happen.
I use Super Diamond Clear on our driveway and there is a very noticeable color variation. I applied a heavy coat with a roller. I believe I should have put a much thinner coat. Also we have heavy lime and iron content in our water. Would the color variation of the sealer be a result of this? What else could possibly cause the various of color? The driveway is stamped concrete with a brown tint. I’ve included a picture. Thanks.
Your old sealer has turned white and blushed. You have to strip it.
Do I apply diamond sealer 350 before or after Sika Flex?
Sorry but no idea as we do not use the Diamond Clear due to issues.
I have a new concrete shop floor with sawed expansion joints. The joints are about1/16 wide and 3/4 deep. I’ve been told to fill joint with a silicone caulk, but the joint is pretty small. Should I let the joint fill with sealer instead?
A sealer will not fill expansion joints.
After 2 years the super diamond clear turned a green- yellow. How best to clean the surface before recoating?
You will have to strip it off to fix it: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/how-to-strip-a-paver-sealer/
Purchased Super Diamond Clear 350, was told to mix 5 Parts Super Diamond to 1 Part Xylene for application. That does not follow instructions on pail.
That is not correct advice to thin it.
It has a nice finish but the problem is it turns yellow from the sun
I have white foggy spots on my stamped concrete that has been sealed with super diamond clear. Xylene has been used to fix this. Is it possible to strip the sealer off and apply new? If so, how is this done?
Yes, you can strip it. See this for tips: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/how-to-strip-a-stamped-concrete-sealer/
If the super diamond is to thick to spray
How do u apply it?
Just purchased Super Diamond clear sealer, what is the best sprayer to use, I hate to spend a lot money on a sprayer is a roller a option.
The Super Diamond Clear is too thick to spray.
where can i buy super diamond clear seal?
You would have to ask them directly.
Just had this put on my concrete bathroom floor. Is it safe, health wise, to stay in the house while it is drying and the fumes are strong?
No, let it air out until no odor.
Has this product been used to seal basement floors?
It is not designed for indoors.
I have used diamond seal 750 on my pool deck since the original installation at the recommendation of my contractor 3 years ago. The deck is a dark brown stamped finish and it has been a battle maintaining the wet, clean look. Am I using the wrong product? Fresh coat was applied in April when we had a warm spell for 2 weeks and it looks like it was never done! 😡 HELP!!!!
Post some pictures.
I have used Super Diamond Clear as a sealer on my driveway through the years. The store where I purchased 5 gallon drums was discontinuing the sale of this product so I purchased their remaining stock and have stored the drums in my basement away from excessive heat or cold. I have 2 drums remaining that have never been opened but noticed that the it states on the lid “to be used by 8/17”. Can I still use these 2 drums or should they be disposed?
Probably have gone bad.
Where are you located
How do I strip of old sealer
See for tips: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/how-to-strip-a-paver-sealer/
Can Super Grip be put on top of pavers already sealed?
No, you have to mix it into a new coat of sealer and apply it on top.
I have applied Diamond Clear in the past to my driveway and wonder if I could try another solvent-based brand or if I have to keep using this one? Your rating gives it a 7.5….looking for something with a higher rating overall – just curious if I can a few more years in-between applications. At this point, I am resealing every 2-3 years. Also, I really like the effect of the brown tint on the exposed aggregate driveway – if you agree that I can use another brand of a solvent-based product without adherence issues – which one is highest-rated… Read more »
Look at Super Seal 30 for this and yes, it comes in a brown tint: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/superseal30-paver-and-concrete-sealer-review-2/
What kind of sprayer do I use to apply Super Diamond clear?
It is too thick to be sprayed.
What is the best product to seal a natural Flagstone patio?
You cannot use a wet look and gloss sealer on natural stone. It will dry very blotchy. Best to use a sealer that does not enhance or alter the appearance. Try Super Seal-M.
Is super diamond sealer ok to use after use before date
Picture of Super Diamond Clear associated with Robert Fahl question
We have a pool deck where I a putting down Super Diamond Clear every year as our pool is out in 90 to 100 degree whether in the summer. We were told to do this by the contractor who initially stained and sealed our deck. Where we might have a rug on the deck, the sealant stays fresh, but where the sun hits it, it needs refreshed every year. Am I using the wrong sealant? We would like not have to do this every. Any suggestion?
It is dulling from the UV. No way to prevent this.
what is your best product for resealing interior concrete?
That would vary on many things. See this for more help: https://www.concretesealerreview.com/what-is-the-best-concrete-sealer/
We recently had this product applied to our 20 year old garage floor. It dried in a brown mottled, shiny in spots, not in others uninformed finish that is not appealing. What could have caused this?
Post a picture. It is also not designed for plain poured concrete. https://www.concretesealerreview.com/wet-looks-sealer-and-plain-concrete-issues/
We have used Superior Diamond Clear Coat before at our previous home where we had “omni stone” around our pool. The stone was a deep red color . It worked fine. So now we decided to use it at our new home on our very large concrete driveway and it looks like someone smeared dog poop all over the concrete.. It is blotchy and shows roller lines. I guess we will need to use concrete sealer stripper and I will NEVER use Clear Coat 350 again! at $200+ for a 5 gallon can.
I have pavers which are cemented with polymer sand. These have been in place for over 2 years, once sealed with Valspar sealer. Can I now use Super Diamond clear sealer. One test paver looked good, concerned about polymer sand.
Probably but best to check with Super Diamond.